
Our Latest Supporters

Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides wishes to express its appreciation and gratitude to the following supporters who have made gifts to The Difference campaign.

We are grateful to all our donors for helping to build a state-of-the-art Dog Guide training school and demonstrating their belief in the future of Dog Guides in Canada.

Thank you for caring and giving to this once-in-a-generation project. We couldn’t do it without you!

We do our best to ensure proper recognition of each donor but please contact thedifference@dogguides.com regarding any concerns.


[insert names which will be shared with you]

British Columbia:

[insert names which will be shared with you]


[insert names which will be shared with you]

New Brunswick:

[insert names which will be shared with you]

Newfoundland and Labrador:

[insert names which will be shared with you]

Nova Scotia:

[insert names which will be shared with you]


[insert names which will be shared with you]

Prince Edward Island:

[insert names which will be shared with you]


[insert names which will be shared with you]


[insert names which will be shared with you]